RoseWare Launches "Network Developer's Resource" Press Release WELCOME! RoseWare launched their monthly journal, the "Network Developer's Resource" (NDR) at Novell's BrainShare '93 conference. RoseWare co-launched their publication with McGraw-Hill/LAN Times who was there to introduce the new "NetWare Technical Journal" (NTJ). Charles Rose, publisher of the NDR is also the Senior Technical Advisor to McGraw-Hill's NTJ. The NDR is a technical journal that provides information similar to that found in Rose's "Programmer's Guide to NetWare", a book published by McGraw-Hill in late 1990 which provides reference material for NetWare developers as well as sample code and explanations for how to write NetWare-aware software. Since late 1991 when McGraw-Hill ceased publication of the NTJ, there has been a growing need for a publication that addresses the ever-burdensome increase of technical issues. Other technical publications have chosen to focus more on system-level topics, such as those for integrators, consultants, and system administrators, while the NDR focuses primarily on developers and those interested in the programming-level aspects of NetWare. INDUSTRY SUPPORT The NDR has enjoyed support both from Novell, as well as the software development industry. "A technical publication that specifically addresses NetWare development issues like RoseWare's 'Network Developer's Resource' will be of great value to Novell's developers," said Willie Tejada, Director, Developer Relations, Novell, Inc. "Charles Rose has, throughout his years of association with Novell, displayed a unique understanding and ability to articulate technical solutions. Novell is committed to the highest quality support and education, and we feel RoseWare's publication will be an asset to anyone considering development to the NetWare platform." According to Steve Meyer, President of Avanti Technology in Austin, Texas, "Much as Novell's Brainshare has long been the forum for NetWare developers to come together and share information, RoseWare and their Network Developer's Resource newsletter offers a unique information sharing medium but on a more regular and needed basis. As the author of the Programmer's Guide to NetWare and a respected member of the NetWare development community, Charles Rose has both the insight and connections to provide an invaluable resource to both commercial and in-house developers of NetWare based applications." "I intend to reserve space on my bookshelf for the Network Developer's Resource beside my copies of the Microsoft Systems Journal and Dr. Dobb's. I also plan to frequent their forum every time I pass by NetWire." Brett Warthen, President of Infinite Technologies, and a NetWire sysop said this about the NDR: "This is the journal that I've been waiting for! Finally, real information that targets developers working in network environments. With the constantly evolving network environments, this is the type of information that you need to stay ahead of the game." CONTENT AND COMPUSERVE The NDR will document new API's, bug fixes, NetWare products, and new technologies. The publication will take a more in-depth and hands-on approach than other publications have in the past. Where other publications may have mentioned a technical area, the NDR will show exactly how to perform a particular function; in most cases, the articles will be supported by sample code. That sample code can download from RoseWare's section in Novell's Vendor forum (NOVVEN section 11 -- just type GO ROSEWARE on CompuServe). RoseWare will also be communicating with readers, announcing upcoming articles and services, and posting relevant files in their CompuServe forum section. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE RoseWare is extending a charter offer where the basic rate has been reduced 25% to $95 and subscribers will receive a free copy of the new Bantam book "NetWare Power Tools for Windows", also by Rose (retail, $55). To receive the free issue, send a CompuServe e-mail to 76711,110, call (704) 258-9166, fax (704) 258-9374 or send a letter to P.O. Box 8564, Asheville, NC 28814-8564 and indicate where you saw this message. Leave your name, company name, address, phone and fax numbers and CompuServe ID#. If you don't like the publication, write "Cancel" on the invoice and return it to RoseWare (you will owe nothing). UPCOMING TOPICS Many issues face networking professionals in 1993 and the NDR will be covering them in-depth and hands-on. You won't want to miss coverage of topics like NetWare 4.0, Windows for Workgroups, OS/2, UnixWare, and Windows/NT. Here is just a small sample of articles upcoming this year: * Configuring and Developing on the Workstation Client. Virtual Loadable Modules (VLMs), new utilities, and changes that you should be aware of. * NetWare 4.0, Migrating to the New APIs. A continuing series of articles covering the new and changing APIs in NetWare 4.0, and how to convert your applications. * Making Windows for Workgroups work in the NetWare Environment. Microsoft may have gone too far in their claims of NetWare compatibility for Windows for Workgroups, but the NPR will pull it together and sort out the issues surrounding NDIS, ODI, and configuring Windows for Workgroups to work with NetWare. * An Intimate Look at the NetWare APIs. While many of the NetWare APIs are documented, you often need a deeper level of understanding to make them truly useful. In this series, we will probe the NetWare APIs and discuss the often hidden workings of them. Expect to see lots of examples and source code. * Getting the Message with NetWare MHS and NetWare Global Messaging. Whether you're a developer interested in writing applications for MHS, or just want to know how to better troubleshoot your e-mail systems, we'll help put the pieces into perspective.